Achaemenid Egypt
5 March 2011, Auditorium, MBI Al Jaber Building, Corpus Christi College, Oxford
10.30 Coffee
11-11.45 B. Porten (Jerusalem), Parallels in the Epistolary Style of the Jedaniah Archive and the Arsames Dossier.
11.45-12.30 G. Granerod (Oslo), Jedaniah, the temple of YHW at Elephantine and the authorities of Judaea and Samaria: Reflections upon the Jedaniah Archive
12.30-12.50 Discussion
12.50-1.25 Lunch
1.25-2.10 G. Vittmann (Würzburg), The Arshama Correspondence: the Egyptian demotic and hieroglyphic context
2.10-3.25 J. Ray (Cambridge)—to be confirmed.
3.25-3.45 Discussion
3.45-4.00 Tea
4.00-4.45 L. Fried (Michigan) What the Achaemenid Papyri Tell Us About the Administration of Empire
4.45-5.15 C. J. Tuplin (Liverpool) Achaemenid administration in the Bodleian Arshama letters: initial observations
(An expanded version of this paper is available for download as a .pdf file.)
5.15-5.45 Discussion
The following two documents contain the main texts of the Arshama dossier, or relating to Arshama. Participants in the workshop might want to download and print out these two files (20 pp) and bring them along.