Travel and empire
14 May 2011, Auditorium, MBI Al Jaber Building, Corpus Christi College, Oxford
Provisional programme
10.30 Coffee
11-11.30 Nakhthor's travel document: geography and process: S. Dalley (Oxford), in absentia, C. J. Tuplin (Liverpool)
11.30-12.15 E.Almagor (Jerusalem / Leipzig), The Royal Road in fourth-century Greek texts
12.15-12.45 Discussion
12.45-1.15 Lunch
1.15-2.15 M. Jursa (Vienna), Babylonian evidence for the movements of people and the transport of goods in the Achaimenid Empire.
2.15-3.15 W. Henkelman (Amsterdam), Movements of goods and people in the Persepolis Fortification Tablets
3.15-3.45 Discussion
3.45-4.00 Tea
4.00-5.00 W. Henkelman (Amsterdam), Introduction to Elamite: part 1